The ProID+Q chip card supports the possibility of remote issuance of mandated certificates, as well as the possibility of uploading certificates at a personal meeting at the Slovak National Certification Authority (SNCA). You can order the device directly from the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES).

The MONET+ ProID+Q device can be ordered directly by the public authority from NASES when submitting a Request for Qualified Trust Services. The invoice for the smartcard is sent to the email address of the statutory body once the receipt of the smartcard shipment has been received by the applicant.

Čipová karta MONET+ ProID+Q......................................................................................28,80 €

Administratívny poplatok................................................................................................1,92 €

Poštovné za zaslanie čipovej karty (doporučene do vlastných rúk).................................3,40 €

Poštovné za zaslanie PIN a PUK k čipovej karte (list 1. triedy).........................................1,50 €

Aby vám karta správne fungovala je potrebné si nainštalovať aplikačný softvér ProID+.

Zo stránky Podpora MONET+ ProID+Q je potrebné stiahnuť a nainštalovať aplikačný softvér ProID+ k čipovej karte podľa typu vášho operačného systému. 

Manažment PIN, QPIN a PUK pre kartu MONET+ ProID+Q

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Pri kúpe čipovej karty MONET+ ProID+Q (softvér ProID+) od tretej strany je potrebné, aby zariadenie spĺňalo nasledujúce technické parametre: